The winners of the book drawing for Judy Gann's
The God of All Comfort: Devotions of Hope for Those Who Chronically Suffer (AMG 2005)

Ann Knowles and Katherine!
You will need to email me at heavenscrystal[at] (You will need to type in the address using the @ sign.) I need your names and addresses as Judy will be signing the books and mailing them to you (and I won't give your names or addresses to anyone else.)Judy is generously providing these books and signing them for you, as she was delighted by each comment (and so was I!)
If you notice to the top right I have listed the people I have lined up for September interviews in the When I Was Just a Kid feature. Please drop back by for more stories. I want to try and blog at least 3 times a week. My schedule and the weather have prevented me from posting more often (we have satellite internet.)I will try to be more deliberate.
I love to read and I'm a fast reader when I set my mind to it. I used to review books for magazines and I still have stacks of those books that I never was able to get to--until now. At the right, scroll down to my September list. What's the best book you've read in recent times? I'm currently finishing up Lauren Winner's Girl Meets God. We're going to discuss this book in my writer's group.
I always laugh when I ask authors what their favorite book was as a child for the When I Was Just a Kid feature. I get these deer-in-the-headlights cyberspace looks and a pitiful, "Just ONE??" Look, I am not listing your entire library as a child. It is a well-known fact that authors as children loved to read and some were writing before they could read (I did!)
I am an analyst by nature (and by profession.) I was curious as to how a beloved childhood book could influence the writing of adult authors/writers.With exception to one author, almost all remembered a book that influences their writing today. Let's see what have been the favorites of the featured authors so far: (The links go to their interviews)
Colleen Coble: Bambi's Children
Deb Raney: Little Black Sambo
Diann Hunt: Lad, A Dog
Jim Watkins: Magic books
Judy Davis: Dick & Jane
Judy Gann: Betsy-Tacy Books
Karen Wingate: Favorite Childhood Book: My favorite was the one I currently held in my hands – with a few exceptions.
Kristin Billerbeck:Are You There,God? It's Me, Margaret. by Judy Blume
LeAnne Martin: Corduroy by Don Freeman
Lucy Adams: Favorite Childhood Book:
Since I stuttered I did not like to read.
(Editor Crystal's note: In Lucy's day, children were often made to read aloud.For a child who stuttered, this would've been grueling. No wonder she didn't like to read!)
But I do have one special book with my 3rd grade handwriting. "Annie Louise Neeley" written in the front with my address (Lucy is my nickname.)The title is HYMN STORIES AND PICTURES.About 40 years later, when I began telling on the radio "The Story Behind The Song," I was amazed that I had saved that book from childhood.I believe God was directing my steps toward this wonderful music ministry.
(Crystal Editor's note: I do, too!)
Marti Kramer Suddarth: Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Mary Connealy: Trixie Belden series, Nancy Drew series, The Hardy Boys series, Happy Hollisters
Mary DeMuth: Do not recall any titles that stand out
My Mother Lillian: A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter
Nan Snipes: The Haunted Hound
Robert Elmer: The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
Sarah Sumpolec: The Shoe Books by Noah Streatfield
Sharon Dunn: Nancy Drew and Rifles for Watie
Sharon Hinck: The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis
Susan Page Davis: Miss Pickerel Goes to Mars (and thousands more!)
Teena Stewart: Little Black, A Pony
Tobi Layton: Miss Suzy and Little House books, and Nancy Drew series
Tricia Goyer: Little House on the Prairie books
Trish Perry: My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett
Virginia Smith: Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
Terry Whalin: McElligot's Pool by Dr. Seuss
Wendy Lawton: Little Women
I think some day I will ask for the writers' favorite book lists during turning points in their lives. I noticed that in my own thinking about my favorite books, ones that stood out to me also came at significant times in my life.
Now, leave a comment(and tell all of your friends about it) to tell me what your favorite childhood book was (or author) AND your current favorite book (or author.) If I get any comments, I'll leave my favorites in the comment section. If I get more than five comments, I'll draw a name for a $5. Amazon gift certificate next Monday!
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