Over at
The Edgy Inspirational Author, Michelle Sutton gives away tons of books. That makes her really nice in my book. Yesterday, aw shucks, she went and bestowed me with a Nice Blogger Award. I want to thank my mother, whose birthday would've been yesterday, for raising me up right nice. I'd have been a mess if she hadn't worked on me.
“This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award.”I'm now passing the salt shaker of all things nice, because I'm so nice, and giving this award to seven nice fellow bloggers (which if you scroll down to My Writer Friends in the sidebar to the right, you will note that ALL of them deserve this award, maybe far more than I do.) It was hard to choose just 7, so I shut my eyes and these are the ones my benevolent finger landed on:
Nancy J. Ring at Anchors, Signposts and Wanderings where she invites readers to join her on "Forks, bends, detours, scenery, and fellow travelers I've discovered while Exploring the Path Home." She has been my friend and even a critiquer for many years, seeing me through many stages of my development.
LeAnne Martin at Christians in the Arts is my next choice. This award probably won't show up on her blog, because she is too busy being nice by featuring some of the best artists in the nation on her blog. LeAnne, like Nancy, has been in my critique/friendship group, helping me along, adding SALT in my life.
Teena Stewart, another friend from my SALT group with whom I've even co-authored articles,is over at Whispers in the Dark, a blog about suspense writing. Teena has a book coming out on Small Groups soon, and I'll be featuring her when that happens. I'll also be talking about her move across the country to open a coffee shop ministry with her husband.
Delia at Gatorskunkz and Mudcats is really nice and was one of the very first people to post a comment here. She inspires me to be a better person and to write more. I can't imagine blogging without
Sabrina Fox is my Hoosier writing and reader buddy who helps to navigate while I'm driving my Jeep, too. She speaks kind words about everyone, even when they are a little ouchy. I've never heard her speak ill of anyone.
Cara Putnam is a controlled F-5 tornado! She has more energy in her little toe than I have, well, in my whole foot (and then some.) But she always takes time to share her joys and prod slowpokes, and work on my perfectionism in a nice way. She has several books coming out over the next few years.
Mary Connealy was my first victim, er,
interview in the Chat 'n' Chew Cafe'. Not only is she a good sport, she shares with us her techno-disasters (I'm not sure why she isn't writing disaster movies--remember
Towering Inferno,
The Poseidon Adventure, the
Titanic, and
Airplane? Stuff like that? Mary kind of lives it in cyberspace.)She makes me laugh and pats me on the head once in a while.
Now, ever'body mind yer manners and pass that gravy over here.
P.S. Some of the above will be featured in When I Was Just a Kid this month, so be sure to check back for those!
You deserve this award. You have been such an encouragement and mentor to me and your blog is so original and fun!. I am blessed to to know you.
Teena Stewart
Oh, great. Now I'm going to have to live with the image of me, pressing the wrong computer buttons and a Towering Inferno ensues.
Better yet, I hit Delete Program and the USS Poseidon rolls over.
Oh, baby, here's your next story idea.
Thank you so much for giving me the Nice award. Now, can you be one of my seven people? Because you deserve the Nice award more than once.
I keep forgetting to post this...though, I keep forgetting to post anything. LOL. Thanks, sweetie. You're a peach! ;)
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