My good friend at Christian Reader/Writer Connection, Susan J. Reinhardt, awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award, along with so many other good blogs! I'm so honored. Part of the prize is to award it to other blogs that I read. Besides giving it back to Susan, I listed some more blogs to visit below.

Cara Putman, a one-woman Whirlwind, gives insights, opinions and advice, as well as books (she's giving away one right now--head over there!!) Her spiritual depth and transparent emotions are one reason she has written such beautiful historicals and in depth romantic suspense.
Lee Warren at Little Nuances posts more than just sports (though he does that, too, which is AOK with me!) Right now he has a post on what's on his iPod. Sometimes he talks about movies or books, and he has this sensitive side where you get to see behind the curtain of tough guys to a real, live beating heart. Since I'm a Warren, I kid that he's my cuz (and maybe he is!) but I'm proud to know him as my brother in Christ, too.
Delia over at Gatorskunkz & Mudcats is clever and full of love and devotion. She has a gift for hospitality and with kids. I like her quite a lot. She was one of the first people to welcome me to Blogland.
Bonnie Bruno at Macromoments ("because life happens between the lines") may have one of the most beautiful blogs in photos and words ever. She's an author and photographer whose kind words have buoyed me up many a time.
Leave some kind words around the Blogland today. Start with some of the blogs I point out. I'll probably mention more in coming days.
Awe, Crystal! Thank you so much for the blog award!
You're the greatest and you really deserved this award. I love your blog.
Wow, Crystal! Thank you for your very kind comments. Love ya!
Oh Crystal,
I already follow your blog so you know I enjoy it, and I am pleased you won this award.
Now in this post you have given me links to a few other bloggers I will visit.
This keeps us busy, and hopefully out of trouble :)
Hello Guru, what entice you to post an article. This article was extremely interesting, especially since I was searching for thoughts on this subject last Thursday.
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