My good friend at Christian Reader/Writer Connection, Susan J. Reinhardt, awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award, along with so many other good blogs! I'm so honored. Part of the prize is to award it to other blogs that I read. Besides giving it back to Susan, I listed some blogs to visit below.

LeAnne Martin at Christians in the Arts, a simply gorgeous blog where she posts every Monday and Thursday on the Arts and how Christians are participating in them.
Sharon Lavy at I Dream of Writing for God for sometimes fun (funny) posts, book reviews and interviews with authors, as well as ponderings on her own writing journey.
Nancy J. Ring at Anchors, Signposts & Wanderings where she beautifully illustrates in pictures and words the deep longings and soul-searching thoughts.
I will continue this post tomorrow to share with you more lovely blogs. Do check these out.Leave comments to let them know that Crystal sent you!
I really liked your blog as I do most of the author's. It really is nice to read about all of you.
Please enter me into a drawing if you are having one for a free book.
Oh my, Crystal, I'm playing catch up today and found 3 posts with the award.
Thanks for your kindness and the great links.
Susan :)
Edna, because I'm cleaning out my books, I'd be happy to send you a book! I'll emailing you to let you pick one!
Susan, I had to do this in stages and needed to show why I was doing the post again! LOL. So, of course, I had to send people to your blog to see what's cooking over there! You are awesome.
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