My good friend at Christian Reader/Writer Connection, Susan J. Reinhardt, awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award, along with so many other good blogs! I'm so honored. Part of the prize is to award it to other blogs that I read. Besides giving it back to Susan, I listed some more blogs to visit below.

Try Terra's Garden for "musings on gardening tips, my journey as a Christian and a writer, tips for new writers, kitty cats, song birds, flowers, book giveaways and more!" She also has this site for her book on scrapbooking for Christmas which will start up again in July.
My friend and fellow first reader, Sabrina at Hijinks in the Heartland, blogs about books and the writing life in between taking care of her family, working in a busy eye doctor's office and caregiving for her parents. Sometimes she gives away books!
Janet Dean at A Cup of Faith talks about her writing and her life. She's a good historical romance writer and a really lovely person!
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