This is a photo of my mother and father in front of Irene Byron TB Hospital in Ft. Wayne, Indiana back in the late 1950s. My mother was a patient there and I was sent to Tennessee to live with my dad's parents while she recovered. I would not even know her when she finally made it out as I was less than a year old when I was sent to my grandparents. I called my grandparents "Mama" and "Daddy." When it was all over I ended up with three Mamas (my teenaged aunt, Linda, was like a "mama" to me, too) and two Daddys.
My mom and dad died in 1997 and 1999. I still miss them. My grandmother is still with us and if she lives, will turn 95 in September. Granddaddy died in 1972. I still miss him, too.
My friend and colleague, Christine Lindsay, hosted the story of my heart on her blog. I'm giving away a chance to win a review of your first five pages of your fiction manuscript if you leave a message on that blog (with your email address.) Please stop by. What's the story of your heart? Everyone has a story, but God plants missions for us by our own stories.

The very day that Mama got me back!
Hi Crystal -
Wonderful old pictures and stories!
Susan :)
Hey Crystal. I'm glad you have that picture to remember that your mother loved you, even when she was separated from you by TB, and death.
God bless you.
Dear Crystal, I want to thank you so much again for sharing your beautiful, heart-rending story on my blog. Your mom's story of how she suffered and yet went through it all so bravely made me cry. The Lord Jesus must be so proud of her. And this is another picture you have of you and your mum that speaks a thousand words. Such sacrificial and joyous love. I'm grateful to God for letting me be your friend.
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