Pass the Salt Thursday
You ever feel the need for a makeover? As you can see by my current photo to the left, I not only need a new hairdo (my hair looked just like this today,) but also it wouldn't hurt to find some more attractive clothes. This was a professionally done photo.
My mom used to say I was the "worst" when it came to getting my photo taken (which knowing now that I'm a kinesthetic learner, explains the bangs--I probably wasn't still enough to get them straight.) By the time I got there to the photo studio, my hair was a mess (I have stick-straight, thick but fine hair that goes every-which-way,)and my clothes were twisted around. I sort of remember my high school senior picture being the same way.
One time mom was taking my brother and me for a professional photo--he was about 6 months old and I was nearing 5, and while she was dressing him, I decided to make myself pretty for my photo. I took a ballpoint pen and drew the prettiest pictures all over my arms and legs. (I mean, after all, my daddy had done this to both of his forearms in the Army!) I was so pleased. My mom said she nearly started crying and she rubbed my skin red to get them off (I was so fair-skinned,) which upset her even more (She was always kind.)
Today Sarah Anne Sumpolec on Girls and God has a blog about photos on web sites and the importance of getting them right. She's a photographer, as well as a published author of some great teen books as a series called Becoming Beka, (if you have or know teen girls, get these books for them) and a mom of three girls. If you want, get in on the discussion about your own look and photos. Sarah thinks that if you are a professional (and in this context, we're writers, but any professional) you should update your photo and have a professional photographer do it. I don't even know what color to wear! It's an interesting discussion and one I, personally, would like to know answers to. Somebody help me.
And speaking of photos, the girls over at Girls Write Out--Kristin Billerbeck, Denise Hunter, Diann Hunt and Colleen Coble--all had new photos taken by a professional for publicity. On their blog they share some interesting photos that I'm guessing are the "goof off" photos. At least I hope so. Colleen, who I used to think was the nicest person on the planet (well, Diann may have that title--I don't think Diann actually even thinks hateful thoughts,)has some sort of dagger, looking quite sinister.
The four of them couldn't be more different in their book genres. Colleen writes scary romantic suspense; Kristin writes super cool (that terminology probably just dated me) chick lit; Denise writes tearjerking,emotional wringers of true life; and Diann writes thigh-slapping (thigh-hating?) lady lit topped with chocolate sauce. And I like all of them (the girls) and all of their excellent books. Every one of them started off writing romance. Go figure. But even in their early work, their voices were there. Check out all of their books (and that blog with the wild photos.)
While I'm pointing out other blogs on my Pass the Salt Thursday, I also want to shoot you over to a new blog by writer and book reviewer, Sara Mills. Sara is blogging through her journey through Romans in the Bible. She recently finished a complete Bible-Bible study(that means all of the books!) and now wants to concentrate on this book.
Romans is one of my favorite books in the Bible. It is the book that holds our Bible doctrine. Written in Corinth by Paul, it is God's letter to you. Even though it was written in about 58/59 A.D., it is so relevant today. I will probably check in on Sara's study of Romans, because I don't know that I can hear too much about the "grace that is free, or it's not grace." It is the book which freed me from the heavy burden of trying to be "good enough."
So, while I'm trying to get the outside to line up with my insides, I'll be checking out these three blogs.
I'm thinking of cutting my hair short. What do you think? Sigh. Should I wear warm colors or cool colors? What are my basic colors and what is my style? Maybe I'll go over to Kentucky Boo Gal's beauty shop for some "big hair."
P.S. I'm so excited. I just was added to the Christian Women Online blogroll, joining over 600 blogs of Christian women.
Also, there have been over 1000 page views since I started my blog. (I'm amazed that I've had even 10.)See you in the funny papers!(Something my mother-in-law, Imy, has said. Don't really know what it means.)
I've heard that expression: see you in the funny papers. It's one of my favorites.
Another great entry. Keep it up.
Terry (from Glorieta's conference)
The Writing Life
I think you look really nice in red. But then I'm fashionally (like my new word) challenged myself. What do I know?
And I like how your hair is no fuss. You don't have to worry about it, it always looks nice.
Cara will probably know what you should wear. That girl is a walking Banana Republic model. ;)
Hello Miz Crystal!!
I'm back for the weekend...I just wanted to thank you for your comment and support!!
I'm glad you liked my beauty shop story...that was born out of a very bad experience at a "chop-shop" here in Ohio...my first first story ever!!
Yayy!!! You joined the CWO blogroll!
I love the "current" picture!
And since I don't consider myself to be a professional (not yet anyway) then I don't have to worry about the recent professional photo, right? lol. I think that is a great idea though. I'm just not up to it right now, lol.
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