My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read this book in one day. I literally couldn't put it down and carried it around all day. I could've easily been skeptical of such an extraordinary story, but with strong biblical principles and scriptures and such convincing revelation from the young boy, I saw heaven a little more clearly.Lynn Vincent did an excellent job putting this account into a story form.If you have loved ones who are dying or have died, it is something that will comfort you. Everyone dies, so how will you face death? With fear? Or will you have something to look forward to no matter when it comes? I think the thing that encouraged me the most was Todd's prayer was answered, even though he questioned God harshly and raged in pain. Sometimes you wonder if God listens, but He does. Read it, recommend it to your friends, give it as a gift. Heaven IS for REAL.I highly recommend it, especially if you have questions about heaven or have never studied the scriptures concerning heaven.
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Loved the book, too. It's a quick read -- my ten y.o. read it in two nights and absorbed the content. Very eye-opening and hope-filled book.
I think because heaven is seen through the eyes of a child, it makes it so much easier to understand. I'm wondering when they will do a book from his POV--like a picture book?
Your 10-y.o., Cara, is so smart and thoughtful and because of her, I think it could open a lot of dialogue if other parents will consider reading/discussing the book with their children ready for this book. The concepts are put into a child's perspective, though through the eyes of his parent.
Thank you, Cara, for adding that thought, too, because it IS something you could share with your children.
I was blown away. The pictures at the end of the book bring it all home, too. :)
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