April brings showers and here at the Chat 'n' Chew, we're set for folks coming in to join us for homecooked goodness (and to get in out of the rain.)
This month I will be hosting special guests to the diner to give you a little glimpse into their past lives. I called in my markers and got photos from those pasts. Then, I asked them highly personal questions. Nibby questions, like who their childhood hero was and what indulgence did they remember adoring indulging in. (One liked throwing cans at bats...watch out for THAT one...)
To give you a little taste of who will be revealing all, take a look at next week's victims(-er-guests):
Wednesday, April 4: Jim Watkins
Jim is a dangerous man. And it's no wonder because he grew up that way--emulating his childhood hero. Check out Wednesday's featured guest, who grew up to write heavy topics with a light touch. He's a mentor in writing for me (and lots of others--he runs the Sandy Cove Writers Conference) and a fellow Hoosier.
Friday, April 6: Marti Suddarth
I am hoping we'll have fun digging into the past, though not all childhood memories are good. But these things are the stuff which helped to form some pretty great people in my life. I am getting dirt, I mean, info, in daily from the likes of DiAnn Mills, Diann Hunt, Colleen Coble, Denise Hunter, Tricia Goyer, Sabrina Fox, Deb Raney, Judy Gann...and well, I could probably do this for a long time(and hope I do because I've enjoyed this.) If you find that these prompts trigger your own memories, and I haven't yet emailed you (you're probably on my list...) then please, send me your email address and I'll have you spilling the beans in no time. It'll be fun. (We'll have cornbread with it...)
And be sure to leave a comment if you have a memory from your own childhood to share with us as each person is featured.
I can't wait to get started!

Crystal, is this Judy Gann?
What an adorable idea - collecting childhood photos for the interviewees. Can't wait to read about some of my favorites!
I remember the day you started your blog. It has grown by leaps 'n bounds, and I love the ideas you come up with--nothing predictable about the Chat 'n Chew Cafe. That's what keeps it fun!
Ohmygoodness. That is the cutest sweetie ever!
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