Not everyone knows the story of the first Christmas. Some refuse to listen to this story. Some have never been told. I live in a community where most have heard it. Most celebrate Christmas in some fashion. Christmas lights, trees,church, carols,wreaths, poinsettias, candy,cookies,dinners, gifts--everything you know about Christmas is here where I live. One lady in church told me she didn't think she knew anyone who didn't know about the true meaning of Christmas. But yet, I know people who know very little about the Bible, and about what it really says. I know a lot of people who don't "believe," too. It is more amazing to me that people know, than don't know.
This year for my birthday, exactly two weeks before Christmas, my mother-in-law, niece and sister-in-law went together to get me this Nativity set you see in the photo. I have admired it since it came out. The artist, Susan Lodi, made it for a company that also produces many angel figures and family figures. I am a very kinesthetic person and what pleases me about these figures is how they "feel." I like picking them up and touching them, thinking about the story they tell. My friend, Sabrina, also gave to me an ornament made by this same artist.(I love it.) My tree holds many ornaments--collected over 26 years. I can tell you the story behind most of them. I've had to throw away some over the years--the bread ornament made by my son, Jordan in grade school. It finally disinegrated and was beginning to "mold." (Euwww.)
Christmas is a messy time. It is not perfect with perfect conditions. It is filled with disappointments. Just like the very first Christmas. This is what I'm reminded of as I look and hold the figures for my new Nativity set. I have another Nativity set that is 25 years old. It, too, was given to us by my sister-in-law, who made it in a ceramics class. Beautiful, but the many years and four rambunctious boys (plus, 6 moves) has taken a toll on it. Thank goodness for Super Glue!
Anyway, if I haven't told you, Merry Christ*mas, well, then, I meant to. I meant to say to my friends and family that I think of you often, and pray for your health and well-being. That even if you don't believe like I do, about Jesus being Messiah, well, I still care about you. There are a lot of people who don't like me, who don't care about my well-being or desires--but that doesn't mean I don't care about what happens with you and that I don't pray for you. I know that in the first Christmas that there were people who wanted Jesus dead. There were those who were treating Mary and Joseph mean, and even their own family who were not happy with them. The world goes on like this, despite that God reaches out to us each day if only we see with eyes wide open.
Merry Christ*mas.
Merry Christmas Crystal!
Merry Christmas, dear friend. I love that you love the ornament. I love the artist too. I'm not much for things sitting around but love the simple wood design she does.
And as far as the first Christmas story. Last night we were laying in bed reading the Christmas story and I realized how lucky we (our own family) are to know the truth. And not just the commercial idea of Christmas. I feel especially blessed.
Hope you all had a beautiful Christmas.
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