Today for writing advice I pulled out romantic suspense author, Colleen Coble, who is a fellow Hoosier. Here's how she answered my questions.
Colleen Coble, Indiana author of romantic suspense
1. Do you draw any of your ideas from your teen years?
"Sure. All those feelings of rejection and inferiority come from the teen years. LOL! Lots of actual incidents from my childhood and teen years have made it into my work, too."
2. What advice do you have for teen writers to encourage them to continue their journey?
"Realize that it's not going to happen now. You need some experience under your belt so you can have a book that resonates. In the meantime, journal your experiences and remember the ways you learn to deal with the hard knocks that hit us all. And read, read, read. That's the best education for writing you can have."
3. What's your best method for coming up with ideas for your books?
"Read magazines and newspapers and tear out anything that inspires an idea, even if it's not fully fleshed out. Watch documentaries and the history channel, even if you're not writing a historical. History is a great teacher of the human condition and people don't change, just technology around us. Be an observer of people, too, and jot down any interesting circumstances you notice."
Colleen just won BEST BOOK of INDIANA!!!! for her book ANATHEMA
"I’ve been a Hoosier all my life and am proud of my home state. When I first started writing, my dream was to have a book in the library. That’s it. Just to see it there in the place where I have spent so much of my life. I just won a state award (Best Books of Indiana–Fiction) for the book Anathema and what an exciting weekend it was! They had me sign the book and place it into the Indiana Authors Room collection. My name and the title hangs on a plaque outside the room now too. My parents came along, and it was such an honor to win this award!"

Even though she knows her Amish parents would disapprove, Hannah Schwartz slips away to meet her boyfriend, Reece Ericson. When she returns home, Hannah discovers that her parents have been murdered and their prized handmade quilts stolen! Years later, a shunned Hannah returns to the scene. Can her family—and her faith—be restored? 336 pages, hardcover from Nelson.
That's interesting about how your experiences as a teen can be used for your current books.
Thanks for sharing tips. Congratulations on your award. You make hoosier writers proud :)
Awesome post, Crystal! Colleen Coble is my FAVORITE author! Thanks for sharing this interview of writing advice! :)
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