My blog has been awarded the "Premio-Dardas" Award today by LeAnne of Beauty and the Beholder. If you have ever seen LeAnne's blogs, you've already seen what comprises very beautifully written and artistically-laid out blogs. I am so honored and not even in the same category.
Here is what is said about the Premio-Dardas:
"This award 'acknowledges the values that every Blogger displays in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values with each message they write.'
Awards like this have been created with the intention of promoting community among Bloggers. It's a way to show appreciation and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.
I understand this award comes with a couple of rules, and they are:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted it to you, along with his/her blog link.
CM: Ok, accepted!
2. Pass the award to (15) other blogs that you feel are worthy of this recognition. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen as recipients.
*Please note: when copying the award picture, please download it to your own computer first and upload from there to your own blog site.
Like LeAnne, I find my time limited today more than usual as I'm on a deadline, but I have a list handy (also check my blog list to the right!) I'm passing the award along to these bloggers and even if they don't have time to accept and pass it along, these are blogs to check out:
1. Camy Tang at Camy's Loft
2. Sabrina Fox at Hijinks in the Heartland
3. Cara Putman at Cara's Musings
4. Lee Warren at Little Nuances
5. Robin Lee Hatcher's Write Thinking
6. Rachel Hauck at Rachel Hauck
7. Richard Mabry, M.D. at Random Jottings
8. Jamie Carie at The Preacher's Daughter
9. Sharon Lavy at I Dream of Writing for God
10. Jude Urbanski at Hey, Jude!
11. Susan J. Reinhardt at Christian Reader/Writer Connection
12. Christine Lindsay at Christine Lindsay
13. Gina Conroy at Portrait of a Writer...Interrupted
14. D.C. (Dave) Weiss at Amokarts (A.M.O.K. Arts)
15. Rachelle at Seek His Kingdom
Thanks, LeAnne, for passing the "Premio Dardas" to me. Now to go around to let these folks know!
Wow. I am totally floored. Thank you Crystal for thinking of me, especially when I see the names of the other blogs you've picked. To be in the same list as some of these awesome writers. I'll be giggling for a while, and tomorrow a.m. must get busy and pass on the baton. You're awesome. Make sure you check out Keli Gwyn's blog to see what I said about you, and this was before I knew about this award. :)
Many thanks. "I'd like to thank all the little people..." No, wait. That's the Academy Awards.
Seriously, I appreciate the compliment. I've posted about it today, and linked to your blog. I'll be passing the award on in the near future.
Hi Crystal -
Thank you for this honor. I can only echo Christine's sentiments about being included with these other writers.
I'm off to work, so I'll have to claim my award later tonight.
Susan :)
Crystal, Thanks so much for stopping by my place (from LeAnne's).... I just love how quickly we can 'meet' new friends with this blogging business!
I will look forward to coming back and staying awhile as I browse through your own site. Looks interesting.
Read your profile -- found we share a few favourites like Anne of Green Gables and Bird by Bird, plus the movie You've Got Mail, to name a few.
Ms. Crystal,
Thanks for giving me this honor! Your blog is the best. I'm still on a steep learning curve.
By the way--maybe I should have excluded native Americans when I said we're all immigrants. On the other hand, they may have immigrated over land and not the pond.
I claim a 1/zillionth drop of DNA from the Nasamond Tribe (off shoot of Algonquin).
Anyway, congratulations to you, Crystal, on your award in blogging.
In addition to my first comment, I'd like to know if there's a banquet for this award? :)
Well, duh, Christine, this is a CAFE'! Of course, a banquet. Order off the menu and to all recipients and to Brenda and LeAnne, it's on the house!(LOL)
You all have things that inspire me, motivate me, teach me. Thank you.
Thank you, I really am honored!
I know you've already received this but I gave it to you again on my blog :)
Delia, You are an absolute sweetie! I love your blog. I think the name is totally unique, too.
Are you writing???
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