This is the Old Mission Lighthouse on Lake Michigan. (I'm the one holding up the parallel--ha.) We got to see it on our 25th wedding anniversary two years ago. It was established in 1870.
I love lighthouses. I don't know when I fell in love with them, but I did and I like stories about them. Lighthouses just seem so symbolic, even spiritual, they are historical and I just love the architecture of them. If you know a good fiction story with lighthouses (besides Eugenia Price's! LOVE that one) then leave me a comment with the title and author.
Jeldwin Windows and Doors is offering to restore with free windows and doors some lighthouses, but they are taking votes on which ones they will do this year right now. You have until September 7, 2008 and you can only vote once. Tell everyone about it.
And if you can't decide, then think about helping my friends' (Jan and Ken) niece in her quest to get their lighthouse chosen. Here's her request with explanation, but you, of course, can vote for your favorite.
hey folks-
the lighthouse near our Maine cottage is a finalist in a restoration contest. If they win, they will receive new "historic" windows and doors. All you have to do is go onto the Jeldwen website and vote for PEMAQUID LIGHT, MAINE
You can only vote once...but each vote counts!
Thanks for voting!
Do you have a favorite lighthouse? It doesn't have to be one of the ones you voted for, any lighthouse will do.
Be sure to go vote--just takes a minute.
Hey, cool! Thanks for getting the message out.
As you can imageine, lighthouses are becoming more and more expensive in up-keep. Of course, I hope everyone votes for our Pemaquid Lighthouse in Maine. If you look on the Maine quarter, it is the one pictured there! Its also one of the oldest lighthouses in the nation!
But of course, vote for your favorite...and keep the lights burning!
I voted for your lighthouse--Maine is where my mother's people first came to live! So Maine was a lighthouse beacon calling to Sweden.
Come back and let us know who won--especially if yours did.
Love lighthouses--will have to come see that one in Maine.
I also love lighthouses and was glad to vote for the Pemaquid light. I'm partial to the Maine coast anyway. What a difference there was in the before and after pictures!
I voted for the Maine lighthouse, too!
I voted for Rose Island Lighthouse off the coast of Rhode Island . . . I've seen it and one of my dearest friends in all the world lives there with his wife and it's practically in their backyard. Please do let us know which one wins!
I voted for the Pemaquid Lighthouse in Maine. It's one of the finalists now.
I've never been to a lighthouse; never seen one in person even from a distance :( I'll have to remedy that one of these days.
Hi Crystal -
Is everything okay? We haven't seen a new post in many moons.
Susan :)
Then we have a love for lighthouses in common. My writing office at home is decorated in a lighthouse them. I collect the figurines, pictures on my walls, my screensaver and I love visiting them. I live in NC, so most of the ones I've visited on are at the NC coast. I'd love to visit a Maine lighthouse one of these days.
I've thought about writing a series of historicals with a lighthouse theme. Haven't gotten around to it yet.
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