Did you know that they choose a color of the year? Me, neither. This one has hints of purple in it and was chosen carefully for its peaceful, soothing qualities for 2008.
I find this whole choosing color issue intriguing because you know that "someone" chooses the colors used in fashions each season and that colors are very important in brand recognition. (The article I read mentioned several brands that use red, for example.) Pantone, the color people who make sure that colors have names and continuity in the dye lots are maintained, comes up with these things and then the fashion industry and even paint colors, follow the recommendations. Think about everything that has color in our world. Mind boggling, actually.
I've studied color and how it has been used over the centuries because I just find it intriguing. Color influences our brains, translating into moods and feelings. It harmonizes with our own coloring. We all have unique coloring in our eyes, hair, skin and even lips.
Sometimes you will see someone and she just looks like death warmed over. Like she's been ill for a week. She tells you she feels "fine." The next time you see this person,she radiates and looks "good," but she tells you that she hasn't felt that great. Probably it has more to do with whether she is wearing a color that harmonizes or causes her to look great. I think about someone who carries a great green handbag and you notice her brilliant green eyes (eyes that you didn't notice when she was wearing that nondescript coat.)
Writers need to be aware of colors, especially when describing the characters in their stories. One year in the Christy Awards the judges were commenting that if they read one more description of a heroine with flaming red hair and emerald green eyes, they would spew. (I could be exaggerating.) It's true, though, that as we read we picture the heroine or hero in our minds.
I think it's not only important in your writing to be able to use color descriptions, but also in your "brand" of writing. What colors do you wear to meet the public? The color you choose will "speak" before you ever do. The style you choose to wear is also your signature.
I've been trying to find colors that suit my own coloring. I've had color analysts try to determine which colors make me stand out. We all want to look our best. I usually fall back on the same colors--colors my mother was picking for me when I was a little girl. She was very much a "summer" and blues were her favorites. I had a tendency to pick out yellows. I bought her a yellow gold scarf one time that looked hideous on her--but it was a good color for me.
One of my friends is working on her book, her web site and the "signature" look and colors of her site. When I saw what she had done, I was thinking, "Perfect!" They were exactly the colors I think of when I think of her.
So, what are going to be your signature colors for this year? What colors do you wish to have in your wardrobe, on your blogs and web sites and even in your clothes?
I am leaning toward turquoises, warm citrines, yellows, chocolate browns, warm reds and yellow greens for this year. I have never been a "pink" person, so it is rare you would ever see me in it. I do like this Blue Iris, but probably wouldn't choose it to wear. Will it influence my purchases for this year? Time will tell. I will be looking for it, though, as the year unfolds, now that I know it is a color that was chosen especially for this year!
You Are a Yellow Crayon |
Your world is colored with happy, warm, fun colors. You have a thoughtful and wise way about you. Some people might even consider you a genius. Charming and eloquent, you are able to get people to do things your way. While you seem spontaneous and free wheeling, you are calculating to the extreme. Your color wheel opposite is purple. You both are charismatic leaders, but purple people act like you have no depth. |
I'm a red crayon! HA! My color wheel opposite is green, which is really my favorite color and, according to the test, the polar opposite of my personality.
I forget to add that I really like the Blue Iris color, but, like you, I probably wouldn't wear it. It would make a nice accent color.
I prefer the dusky fall colors, greens, browns, purples, maroons and rusts.
My living room is painted cranberry. It's a little on the dark side, but I love it, and people always comment about it when they visit for the first time.
I love the Blue Iris. I can see this being a Blue Iris year. I've got lots of goals, lots of fun things to do with my blog(s) and writing. Blue Iris to me means potential.
Thank goodness for the Pantone people.
My color test results are skewed. I must be a complex color personality.
I love your posts. You are one fun blogger!
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