Normally, I talk about light topics and whatever interests me for the moment here in the Cafe'. Today I wanted to bring your attention to Kristy Dykes, a vibrant woman who breathes in and out her faith and exuberance for life--both here and THERE. She writes Christian romances and recently was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Since her surgery her pastor husband, Milton, has been writing on her blog and it reads like a romance novel. It is hot!
But today Kristy will be going to The Healing Room at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern time), Wednesday, December 19th.
Tracy Ruckman sent word and here's what she said: "Let's all join in prayer (and fasting if you feel called to do so) for God to heal her as He did Brandilyn Collins several years ago. Let's pray and watch Him touch Kristy and remove all traces of cancer from her body, then let us go forth as writers and spread the word of His great and mighty work. We've all prayed for a miracle this side of Heaven, and TODAY is the day!
P.S. If you've not heard/read about Brandilyn's healing from Lyme disease, you can read the miraculous story here: http://www.brandilyncollins.com/healing.html "
Who knows how God will use our lives? And why do we cling so desperately to life? Lately, there have been several people I have heard about (in my life) who are not clinging to life. In fact they seem to be pushing life away with both hands and making all around them miserable, as well. I wish those people could spend five minutes with someone like Kristy. Maybe it would turn their lives around. Maybe not.
Everyone has choices. People in POW camps chose to live in the hope of freedom. They clung to the breath of life, no matter what happened to them, what was said to them. People who lived (and many died) in the Nazi concentration camps, clung to the thread of life with not even a shred of dignity offered to them, but yet many held on and survived. The same happens here today. Someone is in an abusive situation, but is clinging to survival, without much encouragement. It is something that comes from within the person, and I can only explain it by saying God plants it into your soul, and only you can let it grow.
If you are suffering at this time of year, don't give up! Read about Kristy and give yourself a gift--a gift to hang in there. I do believe there comes a time to die for everyone. In the movie Braveheart the princess says to the dying wicked king, "Death comes to us all." The thing is, when that time comes, you want to be at a place that you face it with a peace in your soul, with a joy, not with hatred gleaming in your eye, or a "woe is me" attitude.
If you want to tag on to your prayers for Kristy today someone else who is struggling with life, whatever the reason, I think it will make the prayer that much more powerful. After all, a woman was healed by touching the robe's hem of Jesus as He went to heal someone else. (Luke 8:40-56.)
Powerful post, Crystal.
Your comment: "In fact they seem to be pushing life away with both hands and making all around them miserable, as well. I wish those people could spend five minutes with someone like Kristy. Maybe it would turn their lives around. Maybe not."
I have thought this many times since November 7th when Kristy was diagnosed. I know many people like you've described, and it saddens me.
I just want to go around yelling, "Go get 'em, Kristy!"
May God send her a miracle, this side of Heaven.
Thanks for posting this, Crystal.
Thank you for the update on Mrs. Dykes. I have been wondering how she is. My prayers are with her.
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