Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Writer Montage from You Tube

This Writer Montage is on You Tube sent to me by a good writer friend. If you are a writer, you will laugh--and cry. Enjoy!


LeAnne Benfield Martin said...

Fabulous. My favorite scene is when the writer asks the woman on the sofa: "Do you think it's any good?" And she says something like, "The stage directions are lucid and the binder color is a good choice." Writing is maddening sometimes, isn't it? But I can't get away from it...


Pam Halter said...

Loved it! Someone has waaaaaay too much time on their hands, though. HA!!

Susan Skitt said...

Interesting mix! Thanks for posting. A writer friend of mine sent me your way to check this out.

Have a great Thanksgiving :)

M. C. Pearson said...

That was hilarious!

Here by way of Pam Halter.

Peggy Blann Phifer said...

Wow,what fun! That was great, thanks for sharing =) I'm going to send some more writers over here - they're doing NaNo this month. LOL


Patti Shene said...

This was great! I was waiting for the scene, though, where Jack Nicholson's wife discovers he's been writing "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" in The Shining for days and days! LOL! Sometimes when I get totally frustrated, I keep my fingers busy by writing lines and lines of asdfghjkl;!

Anonymous said...

This is a gem, Crystal! Someone went to a lot of work. I'm going to forward your URL on to a few writer friends.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!